How Can We Check Instagram Followers?

/16 December, 2022 3:32 pm

Do You want to Check Followers on Instagram? Maximize your Instagram performance by tracking your follower count and demographics with our follower-checking tool. Get valuable insights and analytics to optimize your strategy and engage with your followers like never before.

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If you are merely a very casual Instagram user who shares very few pictures with your followers or friends, you might not need to track your followers on the channel, nor the analytics of how your posts perform – right?

On the other hand, if you are one who runs a business profile on Instagram to market services or some particular products, then you need to have more and more followers, as well as the proper channel to look after the results and outputs you get, including the engagements on your post, the increasing number of recent followers, bounce rate, purchases, clicks, impressions, and much more.

Therefore, this article will highlight some of the top tools that you can use in 2022 to track the results and outputs of your efforts that you put in to gain more Instagram popularity – so keep reading the article to know in detail!

Instagram followers tracking tools!

How Can We Check Instagram Followers?

Here are some of the most trending and effective tools you can use to track and know your followers exactly, so let’s have a look at them one by one:


Can We Check Instagram Followers

It provides us with both free and paid solutions for tracking Instagram followers. An Instant Instagram Audit is offered by their free tool. It is pretty simple to connect the Instagram account and then enter your email addresses.

They will then provide you with a comprehensive report free of cost, along with the details of where you excel and where you fail miserably. Instagram Audit examines 20+ metrics from the last 30 days’ worth of posts. It guides account activity, engagement with your audience, account settings, and content strategy.

On the other hand, Iconsquare’s premium/paid version provides brands and agencies with a complete analytics, management, and scheduling platform. A personalized dashboard represents the variables that matter to you immediately, and scheduled reports keep you on top of your game.

Social Bakers

Check Instagram Followers

It is essentially a social media management channel that allows you to streamline all of your marketing operations. It has a section on analytics & benchmarking that includes everything from content, performance, and benchmarks to influencers and paid advertising.

You may utilize it to acquire all of the data you want to grasp your performance. It allows you to compare the effectiveness of your organic, paid, video, and influencer marketing efforts against industry-leading competitors.

Instagram Insights

Instagram Followers checker tool

This is freely available if you run a business Instagram profile. Instagram’s built-in analytics tool gives you information on your followers’ demographics and activities and your content. You may use it to get information about your whole account, each post, and your Stories.

The home page of Instagram Insights shows you an overview of statistics for the content you’ve uploaded in the last week. It also displays your existing followers (total number) as well as the new followers that you gain in the timeframe last week/seven days. 

Social Blade

best Instagram Followers checker tool

Social Blade has a huge amount of information about public Instagram profiles. They take data from your public profile specifically, so if you make your account private, you won’t see anything – but having a Private account makes no sense if you’re a company or influencer.

You must give at least two points for future estimates; thus, you must scan your account numerous times if you want to develop a useful data collection. 

Union Metrics

Union Metrics

A free Instagram account audit is free through Union Metrics. Although it gives some insight into how your account is working right now, it is of little utility in terms of analyzing your followers over time. It also has paid monthly plans that you may check on their site as well.

Union Metrics can track all of your social profiles to see how well your content is performing. It will show you what material works on social media and what doesn’t and when your audience is most responsive so you can publish at the optimal moment.



It is a free in-depth analytics tool that includes stats on current posts and growth, a monthly analysis, and a post history divided out by year, month, day, and hour.

It gives you additional information about your communities’ preferences and interests and what motivates them to interact. Squarelovin even displays your best and worst posting hours.

Social Rank

Social Rank

Social Rank can help you get specific audience figures for Instagram and Twitter. Using numerous sorting and filtering tools, you may segment your audience. Custom lists may be created, data can be exported to PDF, and campaigns can be performed.

Bottom Line

All the tools mentioned in the article are good to use; however, it’s always upon to analyze your requirements, and you need to choose the one that makes the most sense to you and your business/profile model. However, suppose you don’t want to opt for any of the mentioned tools.

In that case, you may go with Instagram Analytics which comes up with the business profiles, allowing you to check the stats in the form of a dashboard; you can make further improvements in your content strategy or profile to have better results.

Amanda Silberling
Article By:
Amanda Silberling

I work at Likes Geek as a marketing researcher and journalist with over 5 years of experience in media and content marketing. With a demonstrated history of working in the international news and financial technology publishing industries. I manage content and the editorial team at Likes Geek.